Change Log

The change log is used to track changes from the change request through the final decision. Typical information includes:

  • Identifier
  • Category
  • Description
  • Requestor
  • Submission date
  • Status
  • Disposition

The change log is related to the:

  • Change request
  • Change management plan

The change log is used in 4.6 Perform Integrated Change Control in the PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition.

It is a dynamic document that is updated throughout the project.

Tailoring Tips

Consider the following tips to help tailor the change log to meet your needs:

  • You can include additional summary information from the change request in the log, such as cost or schedule impact.
  • You can add a check box that indicates whether the change is mandatory (such as a legal requirement) or discretionary.
  • The change log can also record information to track configuration management, such as which con- figurable items are impacted.
  • Some IT projects include a field that indicates if a change is a bug fix.


The change log should be aligned and consistent with the following documents:

  • Change management plan
  • Change request
Document Element Description
Identifier Enter a unique change identifier.
Category Enter the category from the change request form.
Description Describe the proposed change.
Requestor Enter the name of the person requesting the change.
Submission date Enter the date the change was submitted.
Status Enter the status as open, pending, closed.
Disposition Enter the outcome of the change request as approved, deferred, or rejected.