Decision Log

Frequently there are alternatives in developing a product or managing a project. Using a decision log can help keep track of the decisions that were made, who made them, and when they were made. A decision log can include:

  • Identifier
  • Category
  • Decision
  • Responsible party
  • Date
  • Comments

The decision log is not listed explicitly in the PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition; however, it can be very helpful in managing the day-to-day activities of the project. It is a dynamic document that is created at the start of the project and is maintained throughout the project.

Tailoring Tips

Consider the following tips to help tailor the decision log to meet your needs:

  • For projects that are large, complicated, or complex you can add fields to identify the impacts of the decision on deliverables or project objectives.
  • You could add a field that documents which stakeholders are impacted by the decision or should be involved with making the decision or should be informed of the decision.


The decision log should be aligned and consistent with the following documents:

  • Project scope statement
  • Responsibility assignment matrix
  • Communications management plan
  • Issue register
Document Element Description
ID Enter a unique decision identifier.
Decision Document the type of decision, such as technical, project, process, etc.
Category Provide a detailed description of the decision.
Responsible party Identify the person authorized to make the decision.
Priority Enter the date the decision was made and authorized.
Comments Enter any further information to clarify the decision, alternatives considered, the reason the decision was made, and the impact of the decision.