2,934 New PMP Id 1028 project management is concerned with managing which type of project Questions & Answers with explanation

Which of these is an input to the Collect Requirements process?
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A software development project team has determined that the best way to mitigate the risk of not having the computational resources to complete all bug testing on schedule is to add three more servers to the test bed. However, the network may not have enough capacity to handle the extra load of those three servers and could fail. This type of risk is a _______________ risk.
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Which of the following enterprise environmental factors is not applicable to the Plan Resource Management process?
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As part of the quality control in your project, you are exploring a technique that shows the history and pattern of variation. This is a line graph that shows data points plotted in the order in which they occurred. You are most likely looking at a:
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Which of the following actions decreases the risk of the project failing to meet its goals and objectives?
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You are assisting Benjamin, another project manager, to interview candidates for a resource position on his project. While reviewing your interview notes together, you notice that he sorts the candidate‘s resumes into two piles: One pile for further interviews, the other for candidates that did not meet the requirements for the position. You also notice that he has placed several of the highly qualified candidates in the second pile, stating that those interviewees "did not fit the corporate profile." Upon further review, you discover that all these candidates are of the same ethnic group. What do you do?
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As a project manager, you are analyzing a process and looking for opportunities for improvements by identifying and analyzing non-valueadded activities. This relates to which of the following tools and techniques of the Manage Quality process?
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Which of the following processes gives the project management team insights into the health of the project?
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Ground rules are established to set clear expectations regarding acceptable behavior by the project team members. Whose responsibility is it to enforce ground rules?
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Conflict management is a tool and technique of which of the following processes?
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