2,934 New PMP Id 1028 project management is concerned with managing which type of project Questions & Answers with explanation

Which of the following best defines target benefits?
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Upon returning from lunch, you discover that a quality audit will be taking place. Some of the team members are upset, since there is an approaching deadline, and have therefore requested that the audit be moved to the following day. As the project manager, what should you do?
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A project manager is currently working on a pharmaceutical project. The activities that will produce the deliverables of Phase 1 are currently being planned out in detail. All other work will be planned out at higher levels until additional product details are known through testing results. This strategy is known as:
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A project team using an Incremental life cycle may opt to deliver what to a subset of customers?
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Which of the following is not a characteristic of a project?
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You are currently assigned to work on a project involving the release of a new pharmaceutical drug. The vice president (VP) of strategic partnerships, who to date has not been a part of the project, asked to see the work performance data. This raises a red flag for the following reason:
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The project manager had received two complaints that three project team members were arguing over the interpretation of schedule analysis results conducted the previous day. The project manager had waited to see whether they would work it out among themselves, but another two complaints were made that the situation was affecting the work of others. What should the project manager do?
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If activity A has a duration of 10 days and activity B has a duration of 7 days with a 2- day lag, what is the overall duration of both activities combined, given a start-to-start relationship with an assumption that both activities will begin as soon as possible?
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Every Friday the development teams at Blazing Broadband Internet Solutions are treated to a free massage and a catered lunch. The CEO authorized this extra activity as a means of retaining top performers at the company and to give the human resources department extra leverage in attracting new employees with an added benefit. Benefits provided to employees who are doing a great job are known as:
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Hal has been assigned as part of the research team on a project that involves working with the latest lab software. You’ve noticed Hal working longer hours than the rest of the research team. When you approach him about this, he shares that he hasn’t quite grasped how to utilize the new program and has been wrestling with it for some time. As the project manager, what should you do?
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