Resource breakdown structure

The resource breakdown structure is a hierarchical structure used to organize the resources by type and category. It can be shown as a hierarchical chart or as an outline.

The resource breakdown structure can receive information from:

  • Assumption log
  • Resource management plan
  • Scope baseline
  • Activity attributes

It provides information to:

  • Duration estimates worksheet

The resource breakdown structure is an output from process 9.2 Estimate Activity Resources in the PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition. Resources are based on the project scope. Therefore, if the scope is known and stable, the requirements should remain relatively stable. If the scope is evolving, the resource requirements will evolve as well.


Tailoring tips

Consider the following tips to help tailor the resource breakdown structure to meet your needs:

  • For projects with many different types of team resources you may want to decompose the team branch further by including information on skill level, required certifications, location, or other information.
  • For projects that have different locations you may want to organize the resource breakdown structure by geography.



The resource breakdown structure should be aligned and consistent with the following documents:

  • Resource management plan
  • Resource requirements