Resource requirements

The resource requirements describe the type and quantity of resources needed to complete the project work. Resources include:

  • People
  • Equipment
  • Material
  • Supplies
  • Locations (as needed)

Locations can include training rooms, testing sites, and so on. The activity resource requirements can receive information from:

  • Assumption log
  • Resource management plan
  • Scope baseline
  • Activity list
  • Activity attributes
  • Cost estimates resource calendars
  • Risk register

It provides information to:

  • Duration estimating worksheet
  • Project schedule
  • Cost estimating worksheet
  • Risk register
  • Procurement management plan

The resource requirements form is an output from process 9.2 Estimate Activity Resources in the PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition. Resource requirements are based on the project scope. Therefore, if the scope is known and stable, the requirements should remain relatively stable. If the scope is evolving, the resource requirements will evolve as well. The resource requirements will become more detailed and more stable over time.


Tailoring tips

Consider the following tips to help tailor the resource requirements to meet your needs:

  • You may want to divide the form into two sections one for team resources and one for physical resources. As an alternative you can have one section for internal resources and one section for contracted or purchased resources.
  • Consider adding a column that includes the basis of estimates. This can include supporting detail such as:
    • Method used for estimating the quantities
    • Range of estimates
    • Confidence level of estimates
    • Constraints or risks associated with the resource
  • For projects with large amounts of inventory, supplies, or material you may want to document sup- port requirements, such as inventory, supply chain, and logistical requirements.



The resource requirements should be aligned and consistent with the following documents:

  • Project schedule
  • Cost estimates
  • Bid documents


Document element Description
ID Unique identifier
Type of resource

Indicate whether the resource is a team resource or physical resource. If physical, indicate if it is equipment, supplies, material, location, or some other form of resource.


Document the number or quantity of the resource needed for the activity. Indicate the unit of measure used for estimating resources.

Assumptions Enter assumptions associated with the resource, such as availability, certifications, etc.
Comments Include information on basis of estimate, grade, competency, or other relevant information.