2,934 New PMP Id 1028 project management is concerned with managing which type of project Questions & Answers with explanation

What is the primary risk when including reserves, or contingency allowances, in your cost estimate?
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Your company took over the management of a project from another company that went out of business. To minimize disruptions related to the transition, your company hired a number of the employees from the other company. One of these employees has delivered a 300-page document a week ahead of schedule. However, while walking past his desk, you notice that his computer is displaying a document with the logo of his former employer. You suspect that some of his work may have been based on documentation that is the property of the other company. What do you do?
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Rosanne is an experienced project manager working on a pharmaceutical project. This project involves two large vendors supplying chemical products with specific compositions for preparing drugs. While reviewing documents to see how a seller is performing, she notices the seller did not meet some of the contractual terms. Since it is a first-time violation, she would like to initiate a corrective action to bring the seller’s performance in line with the statement of work. Which of the following are not outputs of Rosanne’s effort?
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Velvet is working for a chemical industry, and her management proposed two different projects to manufacture benzene for commercial use. After doing financial analysis, the financial advisor provided her with the following statistics about the projects: Project 1: 60 percent probability of success with a profit of $500,000 and 20 percent probability of failure with a loss of $200,000. Project 2: 30 percent probability of success with a profit of $300,000 and 30 percent probability of failure with a loss of $400,000. Based on the information above, Velvet should choose:
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Julia is managing a complex industrial process reengineering project. She has identified all her key project stakeholders and has conducted individual interviews with them to identify other project stakeholders, as well. However, Julia is still not satisfied with her project’s stakeholders list; she believes there may be more key external stakeholders missing from the list. What can help Julia in this situation?
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Tom is managing a software development project. The buyer of the product is an external entity. During the project’s execution, Tom finds that a new operations manager was hired in the customer organization. The new manager is now a key stakeholder. Which of the following documents is least likely to be updated because of the addition of this new stakeholder?
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Jen works as a project manager for the National Weather Agency. She is managing a project designed to assess the effect of climate change on northern mountains. The initial study established a two months’ delay for the testing equipment to reach mountains due to road construction. However, a recent assessment has indicated a significantly shorter delay because of rapid progress in construction. To deal with the shorter delay, which of the following steps should Jen take next?
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You have recently taken over a troubled automobile project, which has gone out of control. The project team missed many deadlines, and stakeholders were displeased with the project’s progress. As an experienced project manager, your first priority is to align the schedule with the project plan. You would like to use what-if scenario analysis to see how various factors affected the project schedule so you can develop a plan to reduce the impact of adverse conditions on the project schedule in the future. What would be your next course of action be, once you determine the factors that created schedule overruns?
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You are using the one-on-one interview technique to gather high-level risks, assumptions, and constraints in an infrastructure development project to set up a bank. During the interview process, a key stakeholder tells you that the project might fail due to lack of support from local people. What should you do in this situation?
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Jack is currently identifying stakeholders in his automobile project. While talking to his senior manager, Jack learns that one of the key stakeholders, whom he identified in his project, is so influential that he or she cancelled an IT project before it moved into the planning phase. What should Jack do with such influential stakeholders?
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