2,934 New PMP Id 1028 project management is concerned with managing which type of project Questions & Answers with explanation

If an investment in a project returns 15 percent annually, how much should you invest to get $5 million by the end of the fifth year?
Select one

Match the following roles in the agile methodologies with their titles. 

Role Description
Product owner
The title similar to a project manager in the Lean methodology
The title similar to a project manager in the Kanban methodology
Flow master
A Six Sigma title
Team facilitator
Also known as the Scrum master. Coordinates the work of the sprint
Black belt
The liaison between the Scrum master and the stakeholders in a Scrum methodology. Also known as the voice of the customer

Match the following terms with the statements that describe them.

Term Description
Project and program management
Concerned with working on the right projects at the right time
Portfolio management
Centralized unit that oversees the management of projects throughout the organization
Organization project management
Focus on performing the projects in the right way
Project management office
Ensures projects are aligned with the organization's strategic business objectives

Directing project work on an agile project consists of several steps. Match the following steps with their descriptions.

Directing agile teamwork
Steps Description
First Step
Review meetings are held to examine the work of the iteration and provide and receive feedback.
Second Step
Daily stand-ups are conducted to examine what was worked on yesterday, what will be worked on today, and what obstacles are standing in the way.
Third Step
The product backlog is defined.
Fourth Step
Retrospectives are held at the end of the iteration to determine what went well, what improvements can be made to the process, and what didn't go well.
Fifth Step
Planning meetings are held at the beginning of the iteration to pull user stories into the iteration backlog

Match the following scaling agile frameworks with their description.

Scaling agile frameworks
Framework Description
Two or more Scrum teams work on the project together. Each Scrum team focuses on a portion of the work.
This consists of up to eight Scrum teams with up to eight members each who all work on the project together.
Enterprise Scrum
This extends Scrum practices to all aspects of the organization.
Scrum of Scrums
This combines several agile best practices and includes information from functional areas of the business.
This is an interactive knowledge base consisting of technical guidance, knowledge, and information on agile.

Match the following types of tests that are used on agile-based software projects to their description.

Testing at all levels
Name of test Description
End to end test
A high-level test designed to identify simple failures that could jeopardize the software program.
Smoke test
This test is performed after changes are made to the code or when maintenance activities are performed on the hardware the code resides on to ensure the software works the same way it did before the change.
Regression test
This test combines software modules and tests them as a group.
Integration test
This test is performed on individual modules or individual components of source code.
Unit test
Testing the software from the start to the end to ensure the application is working correctly.

Match the following agile measurements with their definitions.

Agile measurements and definitions
Agile measurements Definitions
Definition of done
A type of in-the-moment measure
Lead time
Typically expressed as deliverables, functionality, or features
Empirical measure
The time it takes to complete work on a task from the time work starts
Definition of ready
A checklist of elements needed to ensure the deliverable is ready for the customer to use
Response time
Describes the specifics of the tasks planned for the iteration before the team begins work
Cycle time
The time it takes for a task to go from request to completion
Capacity measures
The time a task waits before work starts
Cindy is practicing servant leadership. As the project manager, she gathers her team together to prepare them for the upcoming project. In explaining the benefits of business value, what points is she likely to stress?
Select three
What should project managers consider when tailoring planning activities associated with resource management?
Select three
Susan is the director of engineering for a software consulting company. She needs to hire seven people for a project that will be starting over the next month and has just filled out the roles and responsibilities of the positions and provided them to the human resources department. Which of the following is considered in the development of roles and responsibilities?
Select three