New PMP Question & Answers with explanation

You are building a mile-long bridge on a T&M contract. During the excavation activity, you learned some telephone cables are crossing the alignment where you have to construct the bridge. You need to relocate these telephone cables, but there is no provision of such an activity in the contract. Further, the relocation of the cables is a costly task, and you need to do a lot of government paperwork, as well. You requested an amendment in the contract, but the buyer rejected it. Despite many efforts, you both could not resolve this issue. What should you do next?
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Work Performance Data is an important input to the Control Procurements process. Which of the following is not a component of Work Performance Data?
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Which of the following techniques can help a project manager review a supplier’s internal work processes to ensure compliance to standards during the production of the deliverables? (Assume that all of the given choices are available to the project manager.)
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The business case documents the business need and the cost benefit analysis that justify the project. The summary of how the project has achieved the business needs identified in the business case is document in the:
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How does the role of a project manager change based on managing projects using a predictive development life cycle then managing projects in adaptive environments?
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