767 New PMP Process Questions & Answers with explanation

Who developed the 14 Steps to Quality Management?
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After Bruce, the project manager for the Happy Holiday Cruise Ships, Inc., makes his rounds through the office, he usually compiles the notes he’s collected from talking to his team into a quick performance report and shares it on their team wiki site. Performance reports are an example of what type of communication?
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A risk manager of a software company is performing quantitative risk analysis. While numerically analyzing risks, she decided to utilize external subject-matter experts. What can the risk manager gain through this technique?
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You will be participating in a weekly project team status meeting, along with 10 other team members. The meeting will take place by conference call, with only two of the participants located in the same office. What is this an example of?
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As the project manager, you’ve noticed that several project team members appear tense and withdrawn. It’s unclear whether this is stemming from the recent issues that have emerged from within the project. How can you best discover what the attitudes of the project team members are toward the project?
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Bob has been assigned as the project manager for a new supplement that his company, which is in the fitness and wellness industry, will be releasing in the next quarter. To prepare for the project, Bob has decided to attend an upcoming fitness expo, which will be attended by many colleagues in the industry. This is an example of:
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The duration of a milestone is:
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What is the highest level a person can reach, according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
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A senior project manager is working on a project that will allow two servers across the globe to communicate with one another using web-based technology. Part of the project includes working with technology that is outdated, resulting in the need for a vendor with specific expertise. Because the vendor was in high demand, they included a requirement within the awarded contract that the parts provided by the buyer must be available before the start of the vendor’s work. This is an example of which type of dependency?
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An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives is known as:
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