767 New PMP Process Questions & Answers with explanation

A project manager using probability distributions to display data is most likely to use which of the following:
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Alfred has just been assigned as the project manager for the Realtor Dual Co. project, which has just kicked off its second phase. As part of getting up to speed on the project, Alfred investigates the procurement activities that will be required to carry out this phase of the project. He discovers that a key deliverable has been flagged as requiring external resources and begins working immediately to procure those resources. Where can Alfred look to review the company’s existing procurement policies, procedures, and guidelines?
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A project manager was holding a one-on-one meeting with the scheduler located across the globe. The meeting was difficult to manage, due to sporadic static. The static can best be described as:
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The project manager of an accounting software upgrade project was approached by the vice president of marketing regarding the schedule milestone update report. The VP was concerned because the report was not being sent out weekly as scheduled. The project manager understood that this report was scheduled for biweekly distribution. What or whom can the project manager consult to clarify the report distribution frequency?
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A project is considered complete when:
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Two project team members have been involved in a dispute that has escalated to the point of involving the project manager. What is the primary source of most disputes among team members?
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Kaylee is a senior project manager for a fitness company that is developing a new franchise model. She has just finished overseeing the implementation of several planned risk responses. What activity is she likely to perform next?
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Martha has just been told that she will be assigned as the project manager for the new office expansion project. After the project charter is created and approved, she begins the process of performing stakeholder analysis. She decides to group stakeholders by their level of authority and level of concern. What type of classification model has she chosen to use?
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Kishore is in Las Vegas and works remotely from his home. Bryan is also remote and works from home as well. Their project manager resides on the same campus as four other team members, although they are in different buildings. Every morning at 9 a.m. the four team members meet in the project manager’s office, and Kishore and Bryan call in using a phone bridge to take part in the same morning meeting. All team members connect to discuss a shared goal: successfully completing the project. A group of individuals with a shared goal who fulfill their roles with little or no time meeting face to face is best described as:
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During quantitative risk analysis, a project manager held a planning meeting with key stakeholders to share the results of the latest analysis conducted. What-if scenarios were performed on several important risks and then displayed using a tornado diagram. This is an example of:
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