767 New PMP Process Questions & Answers with explanation

You are in the process of translating the quality management plan into executable quality activities that account for existing quality policies. What process are you in?
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Marysil, an enterprise project manager for Cups on Fire, kicked off activities to develop the schedule. To date, she has generated the schedule management plan and led the team through a decomposition of work packages into activities. Now, she and the team are sequencing activities. She plans on displaying a visual using a network diagram during the next meeting. What network diagramming method is she most likely to use?
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This methodology uses an iterative-based Agile approach. It is a single-team framework that is primarily used to manage product development. At the end of each iteration, the team facilitates a meeting to review what went well and ideas for improvement. Which methodology does this describe, and what technique is this question referring to?
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A project manager is in the process of holding a kickoff meeting to signal that execution of the project work is about to begin. She reviews the project baseline, communication cadence, and guidelines with the team, and she treats them to a pizza party to increase morale. Which of the following documents serves as the project baseline?
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What challenges can cross-cultural communication present to team members?
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Mike is a seasoned project manager who has been tasked with mentoring Bernard, a junior project manager. During a mentoring session, Mike talks about the two types of knowledge. One type, he shares, can be codified using words, pictures, and numbers. What type of knowledge is Mike referring to?
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You are the project manager for the Heart of Texas casual clothing company. Your project involves installing a new human resources system, and you are using a hybrid approach to delivering project outcomes. You’ve identified the risks associated with this project and are ready for the next step. What is the next step?
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Your project selection committee is meeting later this week and is considering initiating one of two projects. They’ve asked you to recommend the project that will benefit the organization the most. The information you’ve gathered shows the initial investment for Project 1 is $795,000. Monthly cash inflows for the first year are $44,000, and expected cash inflows beginning in year 2 are $156,000 per quarter. Project 2 has an initial investment of $845,000. Expected quarterly inflows for the first year are $180,000. Beginning in the second year, inflows are expected to be $136,000 per quarter. Which project should you recommend to the committee and why?
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Which of the following is a valid input that aids the project manager in managing the overall work of the project?
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Which of the following stages of the Tuckman ladder addresses the stage at which the team is the most productive and effective?
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