89 New PMP Procurement Questions & Answers with explanation

During the Control Procurements process, a number of documents might get updated due to various reasons. Which of the following components of the project management plan is least likely to get updated during this process?
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If a project manager believes that a particular subcontract needs to be terminated, which of the following can provide guidance on the contract termination procedure?
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Large organizations typically manage a wide range of projects; from small projects to large initiatives requiring long-term commitments. Which of the following factors can be used in scaling such projects:
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A company manages SBG contracting bids for government tenders and all successful bids as a separate project. The structure of the company is mainly projectized for a dedicated project team to manage each project. However, to realize economies of scale, there are some central departments that serve all projects. Which of the following role is most likely to be working in a central department instead of directly working with a project team?
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The Control Procurements process receives a very important input from the Direct and Manage Project Work process. Which one is it?
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Which of the following approaches can assist in managing ambiguity risks?
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How does the role of a project manager change based on managing projects using a predictive development life cycle then managing projects in adaptive environments?
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The business case documents the business need and the cost benefit analysis that justify the project. The summary of how the project has achieved the business needs identified in the business case is document in the:
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Which of the following may help in ensuring that certain bidders in the procurement process do not receive preferential treatment and that all prospective sellers have a clear and common understanding of the procurement?
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What do the buyer and seller have in common with regard to Control Procurements?
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