2,934 New PMP Questions & Answers with explanation

Which of the following does a project manager use to build trust with stakeholders and overcome resistance to change?
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You are a senior project manager working at a manufacturing plant that produces components used by the aviation industry. You are using a predictive life-cycle approach and are in the process of implementing approved changes. What key information will you need to successfully complete the associated activities?
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Making small, incremental improvements within a product or process is known as:
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Nicolas is the sponsor of a project that will replace all equipment that has already surpassed its end of lifetime span. He decides to assign this project to Carina, his topperforming project manager. Carina’s first task will be to write the project charter. Who will be responsible for signing the project charter document, thereby approving the project?
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A project manager plots the degree of certainty and complexity of a project along x- and y-axes to determine what type of project management approach would suit the project best. The exercise reveals that the project falls within the “complex” quadrant due to moderately uncertain requirements and highly uncertain technical challenges. Based on this information, what type of approach should the project manager use to manage the project?
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You are the project manager for a project that will produce a mobile phone application that sends alerts when UV rays are at dangerous levels, alerting users to stay indoors. During a team meeting, you stress the importance of documenting both explicit and tacit knowledge. What does tacit knowledge refer to?
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A project manager is working through potential options using a decision tree. Scenario A has a failure impact of –$5,000 with a probability of 25 percent, and no impact if successful; and scenario B has a failure impact of –$3,500 with a probability of 65 percent, and no impact if successful. Which scenario should the project manager choose?
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Around 2:37 p.m., Bruce Bethor, the project manager for Happy Holiday Cruise Ships, Inc., walks around the office to interact with each member of his team. The majority of his team members enjoy this type of informal interaction because it gives them an opportunity to bring up issues they may have forgotten to mention during the morning meetings or those issues that were recently uncovered during the day. Which of the following techniques does Bruce use to stay in touch with the work and attitudes of his project team members?
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During the execution phase of a biotech project, a new issue has surfaced. What is one of the first things that the project manager should do?
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A project manager of Cyber Channels Inc. is in the process of assigning resources to her current project. At the end of the day, she receives an angry call from the director of engineering, who is upset that his senior systems administrator was assigned to the project without his consent. At this stage, what should the project manager do to keep this resource?
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