New PMP Question & Answers with explanation

A project manager is finalizing a project that has had repeated problems with cost conformance. He is concerned about what management will say. Senior managers have talked about the problems multiple times in their executive meetings, and it's been reported they feel their concerns have not been addressed. Which of the following types of information would be best for the project manager to use to evaluate performance?
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A large, complex construction project in a foreign country requires the movement of heavy equipment through crowded city streets. The officials in the city know that you have a large, complicated project and that staying on schedule and within budget is important to your company. You have coordinated moving equipment in other countries for other projects without problems. To ensure the equipment is transported successfully, your contact in the country informs you that you will have to pay the local police a fee for coordinating traffic. What should you do?
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The organization that you work for supports the achievement of its strategic objectives by empowering project managers and teams. The project managers have the authority to structure their teams, plans, and work however they deem necessary to best ahieve results. They are responsible for controlling the schedule and the budget, and for providing the steering committee and other departments of the organizations with forecasts. Which part of the cost budget would these project managers not have control over?
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Your company wants to assign a resource to your project and asks you to bill that resource to the customer. This concerns you because you get a bonus for maximizing billings to the customer. What is the best thing to do?
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Your project is being completed in another country. It is going reasonably well and is ahead of the cost projections when one of the local officials informs you he will make sure the project work stops unless you pay him us $50. What is the best thing to do?
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