New PMP Question & Answers with explanation

Which of the following is not a major step of decomposition?
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Your company provides answering services for several major catalog retailers. The number of calls coming into the service center per month has continued to increase over the past 18 months. The phone system is approaching the maximum load limits and needs to be upgraded. You've been assigned to head up the upgrade project. Based on the company's experience with the vendor who worked on the last phone upgrade project, you're confident they'll be able to assist you with this project as well. Which of the following is true?
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You are creating your project management plan. The project you are working on involves accepting credit cards on your organization's website. This will require yearly audits to ensure you are following best practices in developing your website and not exposing sensitive customer information. Which of the following EEFs should you consider given this scenario?
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Your project depends on a key deliverable from a vendor you've used several times before with great success. You're counting on the delivery to arrive on June 1. This is an example of a/an ___________________.
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You are a project manager for a documentary film company. The company president wants to produce a new documentary on the efforts of heroic rescue teams and get it on air as soon as possible. She's looking to you to make this documentary the best that has ever been produced in the history of this company. She guarantees you free rein to use whatever resources you need to get this project done quickly. However, the best photographer in the company is currently working on another assignment. Which of the following is true?
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